Working with AdaptNI put my life on a completely different course and enabled me to take up a career I knew I’d love.
I came to AdaptNI basically at my wits end. I was being let off from my apprenticeship and had limited time to plan my next move, I wanted something new and exciting to come after but I had no idea what that was.
I met with Liza from AdaptNI and truthfully didn’t expect much but my expectations were far exceeded. I got constant updates about training and courses occurring in my area to develop new skills and employability. I was given help looking into fields I was interested in and the requirements to find recruitment in them. Also, I had someone to discuss with any issues that I was having with communicating my disability.
After many opportunities for courses near me, one caught my attention. A level 2 course In coding to take place in Belfast. I agreed and once again didn’t expect much to come of it, but I met many new friends and got to speak with amazing people from different corners of the globe and learned a whole deal from them. It was truly in my best words, a real experience with people who I can only deem as unique in every way. I wouldn’t change it for the world and I only wish I had got to spend more time learning with them.
My tutor on this course was a man named Matt who worked for a brilliant place in Belfast called Springvale who helped people like me get into new fields. He approached me and told me that his workplace is looking to fund people to train and get qualifications in a variety of fields. There was over 30 options available that would be funded fully by Springvale and they would help you get a job afterwards.
For my situation it was a no brainer and an absolute miracle for me. I called the very next day and spent the following weeks between my coding course and Springvale. AdaptNI kept by my side throughout it all, consistently ensuring things were rolling in the right direction and maintaining communication. Within a month or two I had my forklift license and had interviews set up thanks to the support of the amazing team at Springvale. I started soon after on a temporary contract for Christmas period and was asked back afterwards and am now employed full time. It was a real experience, I got so much out of it all.
So many people got involved in helping me learn and grow and eventually get employment somewhere I truly enjoy. And all of it started when I met Liza and became a client of AdaptNI. They’re a brilliant company to work with and if you take a chance with them, please take it from myself. You will not be disappointed, and you will learn a lot more about who you truly are. Thank you to the team at AdaptNI, you’re all brilliant and have certainly changed my life.
