AdaptNI Celebrates 1 Year of Service Delivery in Northern Ireland
On the 1st of July 2022, AdaptNI launched to continue Specialist Employment Support throughout Northern Ireland for the Deaf, Hearing Loss and Tinnitus Communities.
On day 1, AdaptNI joined the SES consortium ( ) SES aims to offer a Supported Employment approach in the delivery of programmes to assist people with disabilities and health conditions to enter and stay in employment.
Having benefited from The Go for It NI and Antrim and Newtownabbey Optimal Programme, Start-up funding was awarded from Lottery Community Fund NI, allowing the team to purchase the essentials and give the best possible start.
Further Projects followed with thanks to the Lottery Community Fund ‘The Link’ (4 months) and currently ‘NI Adapt ‘until September 2023 – to date the projects have supported 14 people who are looking for new or a change of employment, with a recent accredited Customer Service course achieving a 100% pass rate for 7 participants.
From 1st January to 31st March 2023, Antrim & Newtownabbey Council LMP (Labour Market Partnership) – ‘Bridging the Gap’ Project supported 9 people, this included an accredited First Aid and De-fib course, with everyone passing and adding a new skill to their CV!
In Early 2023, the AdaptNI team completed the Tinnitus UK, Tinnitus Adviser Course and now there are two Qualified Tinnitus Advisers within the team. The team also completed an introduction to ISL (Irish Sign Language)
Outreach events were a big part of the 12 months as we worked to raise awareness on the support available. We attended JBO team talks, HSCT (Health and Social Care Trusts) events, Veteran Roadshows, met with other Deaf organisations, linked with SignLive and even had our first feature in the BATOD.
We used our PowerNI Community Fund Award to deliver a specialist Job Fair in NICVA, where we had communication support, employers with awareness and personalised Pen drives with pre-loaded and easily adapted, Employment materials!!
Throughout the Autumn and Winter months, AdaptNI joined a UKSPF consortium, made up of 7 Disability Organisations, a successful application has resulted in a new 2-year Project – SkillSET. Three new staff will join AdaptNI on 24th July and we look forward to introducing the new team very soon!!
It was a busy year for AdaptNI and as we approach Year 2, we look forward to providing more specialist support, raising awareness and creating opportunities!!!
So, we celebrate 1 year and send sincere thanks to our Advisory Group, supporters, participants, partners, funders and the communities we support!
